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Writing Papers and Theses in the Life Sciences

Zielgruppe Promovierende ab dem 2. Promotionsjahr
Sprache Englisch
Dauer 2 Tage
Anzahl Teilnehmende max. 10
Art Präsenz


Datum Status Uhrzeit Ort
27./28. März 2025   1. Tag: 9:30-17:30
2. Tag: 9:00-17:00
iGRAD Kursräume
01./02. September 2025   1. Tag: 9:30-17:30
2. Tag: 9:00-17:00
iGRAD Kursräume


Writing scientific manuscripts is rewarding but can also turn out to be a difficult task for the beginner. This interactive workshop gives assistance to Ph.D. and Master students who are facing the challenge of writing a scientific paper or a thesis.
The participants will be guided through the entire process of scientific writing, step by step. The workshop starts with the first drafts of the scientific story, deals with the generation of figures and texts, and intensively discusses the contents and logic that reviewers expect from a good manuscript. The importance of interactions with supervisors and co-authors will be pointed out and, finally, problems with writing or publishing will also be dealt with. We will develop a toolbox that makes scientific writing much more efficient and rewarding.


  • How to prepare the writing phase?
  • Data collection
  • Concepts as a decisive writing tool
  • The “Word Flow” method
  • Generating figures and tables
  • The “center” of the manuscript
  • The “big three”: introduction, results, discussion
  • Showcase of your manuscript: title and abstract
  • Not to be forgotten: methods, references etc.
  • Interaction with your supervisor and co-workers
  • Submission of publications
  • Dealing with problems in writing and publishing
  • Issues specific to Ph.D. theses

Prof. Dr. Martin K. Wild, International Max Planck Research School - Molecular Biomedicin, Münster, Germany