Presenting (in) Science - How to own the stage on (international) conferences
Zielgruppe | Promovierende und Postdocs |
Sprache | Englisch |
Dauer | 2 Tage |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | max. 12 |
Art | Präsenz |
Datum | Status | Uhrzeit | Ort |
20./21. Februar 2025 | voll | 9:30-17:30 | iGRAD Kursraum |
03./04. April 2025 | voll | 9:30-17:30 | iGRAD Kursraum |
23./24. Juni 2025 | voll | 9:30-17:30 | iGRAD Kursraum |
22./23. September 2025 | 9:30-17:30 | iGRAD Kursraum | |
24./25. November 2025 | 9:30-17:30 | iGRAD Kursraum |
Various factors may have an influence on the impact and success of a scientific presentation. Next to excellent scientific work and knowledge in the field, additional important aspects are:
- confident and authentic appearance
- clear structure, convincing argumentation and rhetorical skills
- objective and audience-oriented presentation structure and dramaturgy
- adequate use of media and comprehensive slide/figure-design
- motivation/activation of and interaction with the audience
- intentional use of voice, gestures and body language
- confident use of stage and requisites
- appropriate and flexible time management
On this background the workshop will actively train the following aspects:
- appearance and presence (self- vs. interpersonal perception)
- techniques to overcome nervousness, goofs, mishaps and "disasters"
- techniques for adequate preparation and planning of presentations
- building convincing presentations – methods and media –
- Do's and Don'ts of PowerPoint regarding comprehensive slide design
- ‚winning the audience‘: strategies and techniques
- verbal aspects: breathing, voice, intonation and articulation
- non-verbal aspects: facial expressions, gestures, body language, use of room + requisites
Each aspect is introduced by short inputs. Short consecutive trainings and simulations then actively train the various aspects. Additionally each participant is kindly asked to bring a (e.g. power point/poster) presentation of her/his scientific research project to the workshop. Other presentations are also welcome if they are in English. After active training of the above mentioned presentation aspects a short passage of your individual presentations will be videotaped in the workshop. On this basis each participant trains and gets feedback regarding her/his individual presentation techniques and methods.
Dr. Christian Dumpitak, Trainer for Higher Educational Teaching, iGRAD, HHU
Knut Hannemann, M.A., Trainer for Higher Educational Teaching
Dr. Debbie Radtke, Trainer for Higher Educational Teaching, iGRAD, HHU