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Good Research Practice for (Post)Doctoral Researchers

Zielgruppe Promovierende, Postdocs
Sprache Englisch
Dauer 8 Arbeitseinheiten
Anzahl Teilnehmende max. 24
Art Präsenz oder Online


Datum Status Uhrzeit Ort
19. August 2024   9:30-17:30 iGRAD Kursräume
24. Oktober 2024 nur für GRK 2240 9:30-17:30 Uni Wuppertal
14./15. November 2024   9:30-14:00 Zoom



"HHU obligates its members to comply with the rules of good scientific practice laid down in these regulations, taking into account the specifics of the respective discipline. Each scientist* is responsible for ensuring that his or her own conduct complies with the standards of good scientific practice. "

(Preamble from "Principles for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf of October 30, 2020 " in: Official Announcements of HHU D 53/2020 and 55/2020).

The German and English versions are available at:


This seminar provides a basic introduction to the principles of good scientific practice as required by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It focuses on the perspective of PhD students and covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to and definitions of Good Scientific Practice
  • Potential areas of conflict in research
  • Dealing with scientific misconduct and possible consequences
  • Scientific data collection and documentation
  • Publishing, publications and scientific collaborations
  • Supervision and organisational culture
  • Research with human beings
  • Research with animals
  • Strategies for preventing and dealing with problems and conflicts in everyday scientific work

For further information see:

Dr. Christian Dumpitak, Hochschuldidaktischer Trainer, iGRAD, HHU
Dr. Jana Emontz, Trainerin für Gute Wissenschafliche Praxis, Heine-Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung , HHU
Dr. Achim Heck, Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften, FZ Jülich
Dr. Saskia Kaiser, Trainerin für Gute Wissenschafliche Praxis, iGRAD, HHU
Dr. Debbie Radtke, Hochschuldidaktische Trainerin, iGRAD, HHU
