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Discussing (in) Science - How to succeed in (interdisciplinary) discussions, debates and meetings

Audience Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs, who already participated in the workshop "Presenting (in) Science" or a similar presentation workshop.
Language English
Duration 2 days
Capacity max. 12
Type On campus


Date Status Time Location

Currently this workshop is not being offered 

Who should attend this workshop?

Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who particularly want to improve their communication in discussions, debates and meetings, and who furthermore want to refine their individual presentation style. Therefore participants should have already participated in the workshop "Presenting (in) Science" or a similar presentation workshop.

What benefits can be expected from this workshop?

The workshop strongly focusses on dynamic communication situations and related vital skills like rhetoric, argumentation and debating. Furthermore participants will have the opportunity to refine their individual presentation style at an advanced level.

Therefore topics of this workshop are:

  • Advanced rhetoric and presentation exercises including individual Feedback
  • Introduction to communication models
  • Essentials of team communication
  • Thinking on your feet - Quick Wittedness
  • Convincing arguments: Building and defending arguments
  • Debating: Techniques and strategies
  • Questions and discussions: Strategies for dealing with different types of questions
  • Specific challenges in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural communication contexts

Each participant is asked to bring with them an actual (e.g. power point) presentation. Other presentations, like posters, are welcome if they are in English.

Dr. Christian Dumpitak, Trainer for Higher Educational Teaching, iGRAD, HHU
Knut Hannemann, M.A., Trainer for Higher Educational Teaching

Responsible for the content: iGRAD : Contact by e-mail